Definitions for "SCI"
Scalable Coherent Interconnect. An IEEE standard that defines the architecture and protocols to support shared-address-space computing over a collection of processors.
()calable ()oherent ()nterface. An IEEE standard originally designed to provide for cache-coherent shared-memory systems.
Scaleable coherent interface
Serif a href http www sainiconsultinginc com Saini Consulting Inc
Smart-tek Communications Inc
Sensitive Compartmented Information. Classified information concerning or derived from intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes, which is required to be handled exclusively within formal control systems established by the Director of Central Intelligence.
Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence; used to limit access to Comint information according to "compartments"
Scottsdale Culinary Institute
is an abbreviation of Scandinavian Colour Institute. The SCI is based in Stockholm, Sweden and is the head office for NCS.
Statement of Corporate Intent, an annual statement that specifies business drivers for financial management and commercial performance targets agreed by Sydney Water and its voting shareholders.
Statement of Corporate Intent; produced annually for the shareholding ministers, outlines our core business, performance measures and targets
Shipping Corporation of India
Keywords:  immobili, egrave, eacute, soci, civile
Socié té Civile Immobiliè re
hip ontrol of nterception -- a function of some radar sets, the sets being used to direct fighter planes to an interception course.
Software Configuration Items. As configuration item, excluding hardware and services.
Software Configuration Item. As ‘Configuration Item', excluding hardware and services.
System control interrupt. A system interrupt used by hardware to notify the operating system about ACPI events.
Keywords:  scanvec, inspire, file
ScanVec Inspire File
(Science Hall) houses Biology, Psychology, and Chemistry & Physics Departments and labs.
Keywords:  eidos, desert, conflict, storm, british
SCi (originally Sales Curve Interactive) is a UK video game publisher. It is responsible for the Conflict: Desert Storm games, among others. The company has recently gained ownership of Eidos Interactive, another British games company.
Keywords:  scottish, care, information
Scottish Care Information
Service Corp International
Supply Chain Integration - back-end integration but with greater emphasis on B2B integration and moving goods and services.
Structured clinical interview
A type of Usenet newsgroup that discusses scientific topics.
Superior Contribution Increase.
Keywords:  spinal, cord, injury
Spinal Cord Injury
Keywords:  matters
scientific matters
surrender cost index. See interest-adjusted cost.
Keywords:  technology
Science and technology
Keywords:  space, news, example, information
Science news and information (for example,
science, scientific