Definitions for "Ozone (O"
typically produced by an Ozonator installed in a pool or spa. Ozone (O) is a form of oxygen (O) and is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is used to destroy organic waste and byproducts and help in the control of algae and bacteria. Not a stand-alone sanitizer: needs some supplementing with chlorine, bromine or ionization. Click here for some ordering information about Ozone Test Kits.
Found in two layers of the atmosphere, the stratosphere and the troposphere. In the stratosphere (the atmospheric layer 7 to 10 miles or more above the earth's surface) ozone is a natural form of oxygen that provides a protective layer shielding the earth from ultraviolet radiation.In the troposphere (the layer extending up 7 to 10 miles from the earth's surface), ozone is a chemical oxidant and major component of photochemical smog. It can seriously impair the respiratory system and is one of the most wide- spread of all the criteria pollutants for which the Clean Air Act required EPA to set standards. Ozone in the troposphere is produced through complex chemical reactions of nitrogen oxides, which are among the primary pollutants emitted by combustion sources; hydrocarbons, released into the atmosphere through the combustion, handling and processing of petroleum products; and sunlight.
typically produced by an Ozonator installed in a pool or spa. Ozone (O) is a form of oxygen (O) and is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is used to destroy organic waste and byproducts and help in the control of algae and bacteria. Not a stand-alone sanitizer: needs some supplementing with chlorine, bromine or ionization. Ozone is produced by a UV (ultraviolet) light source or by electrical arcing (corona discharge).