Definitions for "OES"
Occluded Ear Simulator. An option on the 6500-CX, using three special couplers, that provides the same data obtained with a standard ear simulator. The OES hardware and software are also used with the In-Situ Option.
Occupational Employment Survey
Oral Expulsion Syndrome. The chewing but avoidance of swallowing food. OES is a diet technique in some people, but the reflection of emotional disturbance and eating disorders in most.
Optimum Effective Scheduling. Advertising purchasing concept designed to reach the majority of a stationĂ¢â‚¬(tm)s audience three or more times in a week by distributing commercials evenly Monday-Sunday from 6AM to Midnight.
Officer Education System
Office of Emergency Services
Keywords:  steam, block, engine, single, method
One Engine in Steam (a method of single-line block control)