Definitions for "Reuse"
Using a product or component of municipal solid waste in its original form more than once, e.g., refilling a glass bottle that has been returned or using a coffee can to hold nuts and bolts.
Recycling of effluent for use by industry or in agriculture or horticulture.
The reintroduction of a waste material or product into the economic stream without any chemical or physical change. An example is the empty soft drink bottle that is returned to the bottling company, sterilized, and refilled.
The use of reclaimed water, such as wastewater, for purposes like landscape irrigation. Jump to Top
The deliberate application of water that has received at least secondary treatment, in compliance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Water Management District rules, for a beneficial purpose.
is taking water from a wastewater treatment faciliting and treating it so it can be used for irrigation and other uses according to the rules set up by the Department of Environmental Protection.
The assignment of frequencies or channels so that adjoining cells do not use the same frequencies and cause interference whereas more distant cells can use the same frequencies. Reuse expands the capacity of a cellular network by enabling the use of the same channels throughout the network.
The utilization of frequency (channels) more than once in a wireless network; equated primarily with the basic cellular grid design, where each cell uses each channel once within its boundaries and is insulated from other cells using that frequency to allow for anticipated interference; due to the shortcomings of conventional transmission techniques, frequency reuse in adjacent cells has been largely implausible until the recent development of spatial processing technology, which can enable same-cell frequency reuse.
Keywords:  savepoint, rollback, roles
Any way in which previously written software can be used for a new purpose Fischer1987d. Example: reusing the classes which define the building blocks of a window systems; building a pinball machine using the parts of the pinball construction kit.
Software development technique that allows the design and construction of reusable modules, objects, or units, that are stored in a library or database for future use in new applications. Reuse can be applied to any methodology in the construction phase, but is most effective when object oriented design methodologies are used.
Keywords:  artifact, pre, existing, construct, new
The use of a pre-existing artifact.
Using pre-existing artifacts to construct a new artifact.
To clean or repair something old and use it again instead of throwing it away.
Use something another time
To use something over again in it's current form, i.e., without breaking it down into a raw material.
The ability to make additional use of standard parts or components such as reusable code, design, architectures, and test cases.
The concept of using a component from a source system in a target system after a software upgrade or platform migration.
The search for the highest possible economic value in re-using goods, components, and materials-durability is a result of the capability to re-use goods and components.
Using a digital learning resource in a way or in a context other than that for which it was originally designed.
The ability to recall and use a resource entity (a.k.a., library lookup).
The use of previously used material in the same or different process.
The practice of using a previously used chemical or material after its initial use in manufacturing, and proving it to be usable again without modification to improve its quality.
Material reuse without any structural changes in materials.
The reuse of previously recovered refrigerant without processing.
An engineering activity that focuses on the recognition of commonalities of systems within and across domains; it consists of the creation of models with different abstractions (ranging from domain models to code) and their use during the engineering of an application.
Keywords:  possession, names, you
To reuse the names that you already have in possession.