Definitions for "Mutex"
A Mutual Exclusion lock. A mutex serializes the execution of multiple threads. It is a simple lock, with only the thread that owns the lock being able to release it. Note that if a thread were to attempt to acquire a mutex it already holds, immediate deadlock would result. To prevent this from happening, there is a variation of a mutex called the "non-recursive mutex". This variant form prevents a thread that holds the mutex from reacquiring the mutex without releasing it first. A mutex is an example of a synchronization primitive. Other common synchronization primitives are reader/writer locks, condition variables, and semaphores.
Mut ually- ex clusive-access flag. Another name for a Semaphore.
A mutual-exclusion locking object that allows multiple threads to synchronize access to shared resources. A mutex has two states: locked and unlocked. Once a mutex has been locked by a thread, other threads attempting to lock it will block. When the locking thread unlocks (releases) the mutex, one of the blocked threads (if any) acquires (locks) it and uses the resource. The thread that locks the mutex must be the one that unlocks it. The work-loop lock (which is used by a command gate) is based on a mutex. See also "lock"; "work loop".
Keywords:  launch, tool, copies, multiple, game
A programming tool used to prevent the launch of multiple copies of the same game.