Definitions for "LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE"
A therapeutic massage using a gentle pumping technique to drain away pockets of water retention and trapped toxins. Considered by many European cure doctors as a premier anti-aging treatment. Lymph drainage can be achieved through manual massage, hydro massage, or with aromatherapy massage. Sometimes called lymphatic drainage massage, it requires serious knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes. Be sure the masseuse or masseur knows what she/he is doing. Sometimes done on the face and neck, other times the entire body, lymph massage helps stimulate lymphatic circulation, which boosts the body's ability to eliminate wastes and absorb nutrients. It can also reduce swollen or puffy tissue and tone underlying tissue.
Massage of the lymphatic system to aid the removal of waste and toxins.
In the 1930s, a Danish doctor, Hans Vodder, noticed the connection between swollen and blocked lymph glands and colds, infections and other ailments. Since the lymph system is designed to remove bacteria and toxins from the body, he reasoned that massaging the lymph system would improve the flow of lymph and benefit the patient. Together with his wife, a massage practitioner, they developed a specific technique that massages the lymph nodes and lymph system using light rhythmic strokes. A characteristic of lymph system massage is that strokes are always with the muscle fiber, rather than cross-fiber, because the lymph system runs in the direction of the muscle fiber.
an old therapy that is recommended to support treatments of traumatology, angiology and physiotherapy
a very smooth and pleasant treatment designed to unblock the cleaning systems of the organism (i