Definitions for "Trager"
"Tensions and restrictions in the body may result from injuries, surgery, emotional trauma, stress, or poor posture. These unconscious holding-patterns often result in bodily pain and stiffness. The Trager practitioner facilitates the release of these tensions and restrictions through gentle, non-intrusive, hands-on movements of the body parts, while the client lies comfortably on a padded table. A Trager session is intended to re-educate the body-mind by offering the feeling experiences of relaxation, lightness, mobility and well-being. Practitioners also teach their clients simple self-care movements to do on their own. These simple movements, done with awareness, coined 'Mentastics' by Dr. Trager, can sustain and enhance the feelings attained through the table work." -- Trager Practitioners of Southwestern Ontario.
Milton Trager M.D. created Trager.¡ It is also known as Tragerwork and Trager¡ Psychophysical Integration. It operates on the principle that one learns to be lighter, easier, and freer by experiencing light, easy, and free sensations in the body. Practitioners introduce pleasurable sensory information to the soft tissues by steadily, gently, and rhythmically rocking and stretching the body.1
Utilizing gentle, non-intrusive, natural movements, The Trager Approach helps release deep-seated physical and mental patterns and facilitates deep relaxation, increased physical mobility, and mental clarity. These patterns may have developed in response to accidents, illnesses, or any kind of physical or emotional trauma, including the stress of everyday life.