Definitions for "Hellerwork"
Through connective tissue bodywork, movement education and dialogue, Hellerwork markedly improves postural alignment and movement, bringing grace ease and effectiveness to the use of the body in daily and specialized activities, Awareness of self, others, and our world improves, painful symptoms reduce. Clients are empowered to take the benefits into their daily lives, learn more useful patterns of movement, attitudes, improving their quality of life on many levels.
A series of spa treatments developed by Joseph Heller. Hellerwork consists of eleven 90-minute sessions of deep body work and movement exercises. The therapist also discusses the client's health with the client at length to make the client more aware of stress in his or her life that may be causing tension. This technique is believed to realign the body and release chronic tension and stress. It is largely a preventative treatment.
Focuses on the structural integration of body alignment with gravity.