Definitions for "Criticality"
A self-sustained chain process of nuclear fission that can be maintained without an additional source of neutrons.
expression of a precise equilibrium between the neutrons produced through fission and those disappearing through absorption or leakage in a medium containing fissile nuclei
a critical state; especially the point at which a nuclear reaction is self-sustaining
Keywords:  fmeca, consequence, failure, rank, syn
A term that refers to how often a failure will occur, how easy it is to diagnose, and whether it can be fixed.
Mean number of the system failures during a mission phase because of a block or its failure mode. The criticality value is used to rank failure modes when performing a FMECA. Criticality for a severity, counts only the system failures of this severity because of a block or its failure mode .
A relative measure of the consequence of a particular failure mode and its frequency of occurrence. The criticality value is used to rank failure modes when performing a FMECA.
Keywords:  urgency
a state of critical urgency
A subjective description of the intended use and application of the system. Software criticality properties may include safety, security, complexity, reliability, performance, or other characteristics. [IEEE Stds Glossary