Definitions for "Blás"
The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) correspond to a collection of subprograms intended for basic linear algebra operations, such as vector-vector operations (level 1 BLAS), matrix-vector operations (level 2 BLAS) and matrix-matrix operations (level 3 BLAS).
See Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram.
Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines -- a kernel of linear algebra routines usually heavily optimised by a CPU's vendor to make use performance features of that CPU. Used extensively by Lapack
It's a sad commentary on the triumph of the middlebrow that an indifference to pleasure or excitement, as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment, is considered "sophisticated." Despite his unconcern for those things that matter to most people, the idler is always "hot," and never "cool." See: APATHETIC, CARELESS, ENNUI, INDIFFERENT, NONCHALANT.
Keywords:  blahss, irish, soulful, proper, flavor
(BLAHSS) Irish word for flavor; in music, the proper style and soulful expression
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