Definitions for "Takt Time"
Keywords:  pace, lean, german, demand, shift
Sets the pace of production to match the rate of customer demand and becomes the heartbeat of any lean production system. It's computed as the available production time divided by the rate of customer demand. For example, assume demand is 10,000 units per month, or 500 units per day, and planned available capacity is 420 minutes per day. The takt time = 420 minutes per day/500 units per day = 0.84 minutes per unit. This takt time means that a unit should be planned to exit the production system on average every 0.84 minutes.
The frequency with which the customer wants a product. How frequently a sold unit must be produced. The number is derived by dividing the amount of time available in a shift by the customer demand for that shift. TAKT time is usually expressed in seconds.
Total available production time divided by the customer & requirement. Note: Include all planned activities such as clean-up, safety meetings, etc. Example (1) 8 Hour Shift=480 Minutes-(2) 10 Minute Breaks=460 ------------------------------------------------------ 1840 Pieces/Day Customer Requirements TAKT Time = .25 minute or 15 seconds