Definitions for "NLRB"
National Labor Relations Board. independent agency, part of the federal executive branch. Created by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 ("Wagner Act"), it administers the labor laws of the nation, including the "Wagner" Act. The NLRB prevents and alleviates unfair labor practices by private employers and unions, protect the right of employees to organize and decide whether or not to use unions as bargaining representatives.
Created by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, the NLRB holds union elections in workplaces to determine whether a majority of workers want to be represented by a specific union or no union. Because the NLRB election process is convoluted and bureaucratic, there are many ways for employers to stall the process after workers have made it known that they want a union, and the longer the employer stalls the more time there is to intimidate, manipulate, and fire workers to make sure the union loses the election. "Card check" is an alternative, democratic election process. See the Resources page at for more info on the NLRB and union organizing in general.
The National Labor Relations Board is a government agency that administers union elections and arbitrates disputes between labor and management. Its judges are appointed by the Administration and tend therefore to be more or less helpful to workers depending on the politics of the administration that appointed them. In particular, Reagan and Bush made some anti-union appointments to the NLRB, which contribute to the difficulty for unions of achieving justice through the NLRB.