Definitions for "High Fructose Corn Syrup"
Keywords:  fructose, hfcs, syrup, sucrose, corn
Derived from cornstarch, usually a combination of 55 percent fructose and 45 percent sucrose. Treated with an enzyme that converts glucose to fructose, which results in a sweeter product. Used in soft drinks, baked goods, jelly, syrups, fruits and desserts.
A corn sweetener derived from the wet milling of corn. Corn starch is converted to a syrup that is nearly all dextrose. HFCS is found in numerous foods and beverages on the grocery store shelves.
Is a sugar derived from corn. It is modified by enzymes to increase the fructose content. High fructose corn syrup is used primarily for taste HFCS has the same sweetness as table sugar (sucrose) and is made of the simple sugars fructose and glucose- in the ratio of about 50% of each.