Definitions for "Esperanto"
An artificial language, intended to be universal, devised by Dr. Zamenhof, a Russian, who adopted the pseudonym "Dr. Esperanto" in publishing his first pamphlet regarding it in 1887. The vocabulary is very largely based upon words common to the chief European languages, and sounds peculiar to any one language are eliminated. The spelling is phonetic, and the accent (stress) is always on the penult. A revised and simplified form, called Ido was developed in 1907, but Esperanto remained at the end of the 20th century the most popular aritficial language designed for normal human linguistic communication.
the common language spoken by most Riverdwellers; spread to the masses by the Church of the Second Chance
an artificial language based as far as possible on words common to all the European languages
Esperanto released in 1993, was the first album by Karl Bartos as "Elektric Music" (initially in collaboration with Lothar Manteuffel, formerly of the group Rheingold). Elektric Music was the recording project begun after Bartos ended his involvement with the band Kraftwerk in 1991. The songs "Show Business" and "Kissing The Machine" were written and performed with Andy McCluskey of OMD; "Crosstalk" and "Overdrive" were co-written with Kraftwerk associate Emil Schult, who also art-directed the cover graphics for the early Elektric Music releases.
Esperanto is a API that hides the underlying protocol of distributing data and or share events in multicast/broadcast. It may use memory,filesystem, tcp and udp. The initial main goal of this lib is to bring clustered software a way to share informa
See Chapter 5 for main reference.