Definitions for "SIRIUS"
The Dog Star. See Dog Star.
The brightest star in the night sky with an apparent magnitude of -1.4. It is fairly close to the solar system at about 8 light years.
Sirius: the star in our galaxy also known as the Dog Star.
SIRIUS est un projet open source de d�veloppement d'une application de gestion des �tablissements de l'enseignement sup�rieur au Maroc. Gestion �tudiant, notes, absences, etc.
Keywords:  souther, hornsby, clannad, perry, bruce
Sirius is the tenth album by Irish folk group Clannad released in 1987. It features several guest artists such as Bruce Hornsby, Steve Perry and J.D. Souther.
Sea-going ship commanded by Captain Stecker on Oceania. Hired by the Legacy crew to ship their cargo from Flargess to Beldano. [ 20 | 21
Sirius is a 1944 science fiction novel by the British author Olaf Stapledon.
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