Definitions for "QAs"
refers to the Quality Assurance Standards issued by the FBI Director upon the recommendation of the DNA Advisory Board. Quality Assurance refers to measures that are taken by labs to monitor, verify, and document performance. Two sets of QAS exist: QAS for Convicted Offender DNA Databasing Laboratories, effective April 1, 1999; and QAS for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories, effective October 1, 1998.
Quality Assurance Services
Quality Assurance Specialist
Keywords:  supp, idealy, mysql, webpages, linux
We aim to create a set of webpages and applications that anyone can freely use to run their own Q&A site like or using only PHP and a MySQL database server. It will idealy run on Linux servers, Windows/IIS supp
Queensland Ambulance Service
Keywords:  answer, question, service
Question-and-Answer Service