Definitions for "Multi-disciplinary"
A team or group which is made up of representatives from several different statutory and/or non-statutory organisations, who all have different areas of expertise, eg a Special Needs Accommodation Group (SNAG).
In contrast to an interdisciplinary process, a process that proceeds as separate evaluations by various professionals who often are affiliated with different entities (i.e., a university or hospital), are rarely in close proximity and often operate without benefit of collaboration with other evaluating professionals, consequently often drawing separate conclusions based upon their particular experience. A multidisciplinary process can take one to two days, with the child and family participating in numerous sessions, or it can take place over the course of several months.
A team consisting of more than one professional involved in the care and education of your child. For example, a teacher, a physiotherapist and a doctor
Integrates disciplines and subject areas.
using information gathered from a variety of resources, integrating information among multiple disciplines (subject areas) (I A)
The involvement of two or more disciplines or professions in the provision of integrated and coordinated services including evaluation and assessment activities in §3O3.322 and development of the IFSP in §3O3.342.