Definitions for "Meal plan"
An arrangement whereby the total food allowed daily is expressed in terms of a certain number of points or exchanges, with the foods to be eaten at specific times.
A guide for controlling the amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats a person eats. People with diabetes can use such plans as the Exchange Lists or the Point System to help them plan their meals so that they can keep their diabetes under control. See also: Exchange lists; point system.
a guide that tells you what kinds of food you can choose at
a binding contract between the student and The University Corporation
a prepaid purchase of meals for the semester
An option available to students to determine the number of meals students can eat in Kennedy Dining Hall. The plans are established through the Residence Life Office and are charged to the students at the start of each semester.
a good way to start, but for alot of people depending on their lifestyle, work or whatever, it is hard to maintain, so do what you can
Keywords:  guests, flex, hotel, plan, room
a plan and a room rate for providing meals to guests at a hotel
Keywords:  pre, paid, purchase
a pre-paid purchase of meals