Definitions for "Logout"
Keywords:  logoff, exit, login, tell, courseware
To tell unix you are done using it
To exit a computer or network.
or Exit or Logoff The logout command is used to tell the computer that you are done with an interactive session. It must be entered at the close of each of your sessions, or you may find all your units used up the next time you login (either because someone stole your account, or because the computer continued executing your last instruction indefinitely). Return to Contents Mega: In most areas M stands for a million, but in computer usage M represents 1024K or 2 to the 20th power.
In NetWare, the command you use to log out.
This is a passive command that allows the player to leave a game.
To leave the computer network; a set of commands given to the computer prior to turning it off at the end of a session.
The process of leaving the network. When you log out, any network drives or printers you were connected to become unavailable to you.
This button logs you out of the RunnerMail system, as a security precaution.
Keywords:  csh, shell, login, section, current
csh Terminate a login shell, see csh
Close current shell, see the section called "Text mode".
Close current shell, see Section 2.1.3.
The process of actually ending your access to a particular computer.
The process by which you formally end your connection with a website or computer system. It is very important that you logout after visiting a restricted website, area or computer system to make sure that only you use your username and password. In some cases it is also advisable to close your browser window after logging out.
The process of ending a connection to the local file system.
The act of signing out of a restricted system.
or logging out the user-initiated process of signing off the system, including shutting down processes, putting away files, and cutting the user's connection to the system.
Keywords:  yourself, gain, doing, remove, access
To remove yourself from being “logged in”. Doing this usually means you will have to log back in to gain access again.
Keywords:  opposite
The opposite of logging in.