Definitions for "Grey market"
The trade in securities before they have been officially issued.
Trading in a bond prior to the formal issue of the bond. Trading is completed on an ‘if as and when issued’ basis. Settlement takes place when the bond is finally issued.
A grey market is a market where there is trading of a stock that is about to be issued for the first time, before it's issued. Grey market trading is risky because sellers' don't know how many shares they have - i.e. they're selling shares they don't own yet - and buyers don't know what the final issue price is going to be when the allocation is complete.
The vehicle was imported into the country and may not meet U.S. safety and/or environmental standards.
Vehicle entered the country and did not meet U.S. safety and/or environmental standards.
The use of cable or satellite de-scrambling equipment or the exhibition of a video product at a location not licensed for reception of the cable or satellite transmission or for the use of the video product. [A license fee usually is paid for the cable or satellite service or for the use of the video product in the licensed territory].