Definitions for "Gallbladder Disease"
The Condition"...Bile is a fluid composed mostly of water, bile salts, lecithin, and cholesterol..." Recommendation Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)"...Vitamin C treatment resulted in a significant increase in the concentration of phospholipids in bile (phospholipids such as lecithin have been shown to prevent stone formation)..."
The Condition"...Common Bile Duct Stones (Choledocholithiasis) Stones lodged in the common bile duct (choledocholithiasis) can block the flow of bile and cause jaundice..."
The Condition"...Gallstone disease is a common cause of abdominal pain, inflammation, and infection of the gallbladder and the pancreas..." Our Question about abdominal pain after fat consumption"The mildest and most common symptom of gallbladder disease is intermittent pain called biliary colic, which occurs either in the mid- or upper-right portion of the upper abdomen..." Recommendation Surgery"...It is preformed by cutting a 4 to 8 inch hole in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen..."