Definitions for "FSF"
Free Software Foundation. Founded by Richard M. Stallman in 1984, its aim is to develop a freely distributed Unix-like operating system, to promote the development of freely distributed software and assure access to source code.
This organization was founded by Richard Stallman ? among others - in 1985 with intention of supporting GNU projects in developing of free software.
Free Software Foundation. A group that develops the freely available GNU software. Their address is: 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.
Keywords:  cercla, superfund, federal, see
Federal Superfund (see CERCLA)
Financial Stability Forum
Fiscal Stabilization Fund. A fund that mitigates the need for tax increases.
Flow Scheduling Framework. The Flow Scheduling Framework is an extensible set of classes that provide code support for the architectural abstractions defined by the SAI architectural style.