Definitions for "European Social Fund"
(ESF) Created in 1957, the ESF is the European Union’s main tool for the development of human resources and the improvement of the workings of the labour market. It supports measures to prevent and combat unemployment and to develop human resources. The ESF aims to promote a high level of employment, equality between men and women, sustainable development and economic and social cohesion. The key aim of the Fund is to provide supporting finance for implementing the National Action Plans for Employment.
Supports activities that develop employability and human resources in five key areas - active labour market policies; - equal opportunities - improving training and education and promoting lifelong learning; - adaptability and entrepreneurship - improving the participation of women in the labour market.
An important source of funding for activities to develop employability and human resources. It is used to add value to policies introduced to make a reality of the Government's objective of promoting employment opportunities for all in an inclusive society.