Definitions for "EOB"
Explanation of Benefits. Statement sent by health plans to covered persons who have received benefits under the plan. The statement details the charges for the covered services, how much the health insurance will pay, and how much the insured is responsible for paying.
Explanation of benefits; information your insurance company sends to you and to your provider explaining what is paid of billed charges. Also explains denials of payment and your rights to appeal
( xplanation enefits) A statement from a plan explaining what portion of a claim was paid.
Employment Opportunities Bulletin. EOBs are produced every week to reflect that week's new and reposted vacancies. The weekly EOB can be viewed in the HR lobby as well as at other campus locations. It is also mailed to campus departments and to other California colleges and universities as well as to several public and community organizations. A complete list of all vacant positions can be found on our HR Website.
Keywords:  block, end
End of Block