Definitions for "Environmental management"
Means of specifying and implementing the environmental policy of an enterprise. Environmental management is a part of the overall management of an enterprise.
Environmental management means reducing the environmental impact of business operations and contributing to lowering the environmental impact of society as a whole by providing environmentally conscious products and services. This will enable businesses to realize the aim of creating a sustainable society.
Management and control of the environment and natural resources systems in such a way so as to ensure the sustainability of development efforts over a long-term basis.
The mobilization of resources and the use of government to control the use, improvement or conservation of both natural and economic goods and services in such a way that conflicts created by that use, improvement or conservation are minimized.
Environmental management is an approach to prevention that recognizes people's decisions about tobacco, alcohol and other drug use are shaped by the physical, social, economic, and legal environment in which that behavior occurs. Environmental management articulates the need to broaden prevention approaches beyond traditional individually-focused programs to include a range of strategies for changing the campus and community environment.
Attempts to balance economic growth and environmental quality so as to maximise the welfare of the community
planning, organization, implementation and monitoring of activities for the modification and/or manipulation of environmental factors or their interaction with humans with a view to preventing or reducing vector propagation and reducing human-vector-pathogen contact. See also: environmental manipulation, environmental modification, human-vector contact