Definitions for "Effacement"
The gradual thinning out and shortening of the cervix. Measured in percentages, 100 percent means the cervix has completely effaced.
The gradual thinning of the cervix is called effacement and is measured by percentages. 100 percent indicates complete effacement. !-- ctxt_ad_partner = "2012884650"; ctxt_ad_section = ""; ctxt_ad_bg = ""; ctxt_ad_width = 336; ctxt_ad_height = 280; ctxt_ad_bc = "FFFFFF"; ctxt_ad_cc = "FFFFFF"; ctxt_ad_lc = "666666"; ctxt_ad_tc = "666666"; ctxt_ad_uc = "666666";
Thinning of the cervix during labour.
Keywords:  epilepsy
withdrawing into the background; making yourself inconspicuous
loss of detail; effacement is an evolutionary trend in trilobites.
Keywords:  act, result
The act if effacing; also, the result of the act.