Definitions for "Echinate"
Set with prickles; prickly, like a hedgehog; bristled; as, an echinated pericarp.
a. (L. echinus, a hedgehog) set with prickles; prickly, like a hedgehog; having sharp points.
bearing stiff, stout, prickly hairs.
Keywords:  spore, spine, pollen, spinose, spinule
Sculpture of pollen and spores consisting of echinae (spines).
(adj.) (sing. echina, pl. echinae) ( Wodehouse, 1928) Describing pollen and spores with an ornamentation comprising spines longer than 1µm. Comment: (Echinate should only be used in the adjectival form.) ( Erdtman (1952) recommended the term spinose, but in his usage spines were defined as longer than 3µm and smaller features as spinules (adj. spinulose). See also: microechinate, spine, spinule.
of a spore, spiny.
Keywords:  embryo