Definitions for "Data transfer per month"
(also known as "bandwidth") - This determines how much traffic your site can handle per month. You can expect a ratio of approximately 80,000 to 100,000 hits per GB (Gigabyte) of data transfer.
Each time a web page, image, audio, video, and other elements of your website is accessed by your visitor, traffic is generated. Your aggregate traffic is the sum of outward-bound, inward-bound, email, and anonymous FTP traffic.Your monthly traffic allowance is calculated as 31 times the daily traffic allowance. Our daily data transfer allowances are high enough that most of our users stay within the limit. Traffic overage will be charged according the additional traffic pricing;
Also known as your Traffic. Each time visitors access a Web page, image, audio, video or other element on your site, traffic is generated. Your aggregate traffic is the sum of all outward-bound, inward-bound, email and FTP traffic. Your monthly traffic allowance is calculated as 31 times the daily traffic allowance. Our daily data transfer allowances are high enough that most of our users stay within the limit.
Keywords:  glossary, terms
Glossary of Terms