Definitions for "Climate Variability"
climate change s (to mean states for example) that occur on time and spatial scales beyond those of individual weather events. Some of this variability is “forced” from outside the climate system itself—by things like anthropogenic greenhouse gases or solar variability. Other variability, such as oscillations in atmospheric-oceanic circulation, is internal to the climate system.
Variations of the climate (e.g. of the mean state, standard deviations and extremes) on all temporal and spatial scales beyond those of individual weather events.
Reflects shorter-term extreme weather events, such as tropical hurricanes and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
the natural year-to-year and season-to-season variation of the climate system
Climate variability is defined as a fluctuation in climate, which could last for a specified period of time, usually of the order of seasons to years to decades.
description of deviations using climate statistics for a given period of time (such as a month, season, year) from the long-term statistics relating to the same calendar period.25