Definitions for "Biomedical Informatics"
An emerging technology where computer science, medicine and biology intersect; combination of bioinformatics and medical informatics, where information management tools bring together biological (e.g., genetic) and health (e.g., patient information from medical records) information to allow individualized patient care and health and wellness services.
an emerging discipline that coalesces the health sciences, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, radiology, and biological sciences with computer science, mathematics, statistics, engineering, information technologies, and management
The science underlying the acquisition, maintenance, retrieval, and application of biomedical knowledge and information to improve individualized patient care, medical education, and health sciences research. Biomedical informatics is an intersection of the computer science, medicine, biology, and health care fields. The goals of biomedical informatics research focus on the search for new knowledge (basic research) and the use of knowledge towards practical ends (applications research).