Definitions for "accredited investor"
Keywords:  wealthy, sec, worth, angel, osc
The SEC designation for an individual or entity meeting any of the criteria...
As defined by Section 501 of Regulation D of the SEC, an individual is generally an individual earning $200K annually, or a household with income of $300K annually, or having a net worth in excess of $1M. A venture fund, certain banks and other institutions may also qualify as accredited investors.
Refers to an individual whose net worth, or joint net worth with a spouse, exceeds $1,000,000; or whose individual income exceeded $200,000 or whose joint income with a spouse exceeded $300,000 in each of the 2 most recent years and can be expected to meet that income in the current year. More details of the definitions for investors other that individuals are found in Regulation D of the Securities and Exchange Commission.