Definitions for "ZAR"
Keywords:  trance, exorcism, ritual, africa, dance
An exorcism ritual/ceremonial trance dance of North Africa.
Originally an exorcism ritual from the Sudan, but also popular among the poor of Egypt, involving trance dance possession.
Ceremonial trance dance of North Africa. Involves a lot of head swinging and a really sore neck the next day. My zar hangover feels exactly like my old Morbid Angel concert hangover used to feel, but the Zar head motion is swirlier and less headbangy than the heavy metal one.
Keywords:  rand, african, gocurrency, south, iso
The ISO currency code for the South African Rand. Find more on South African, the Rand at
South African rands
The ISO 4217 currency code for the South Africa Rand.
Keywords:  persian, linear, gold, inches, measure
Persian linear measure of about 41 or 44 inches. Also, gold.