Definitions for "Yellow Dock"
European dock with broad obtuse leaves and bitter rootstock common as a weed in North America
It is an atringent and blood purifier so is useful in treating disease of the blood and chronic skin ailments. It is one of the best blood builders in the herb kingdom. It stimulates elimination and improves bile flow. It is a nutritive tonic high in iron and very useful in treating anemia. This herb nourishes the spleen and liver and is therefore effective in treatin jaundice, lympatic problems, and skin eruptions. A high amount of easily digestible iron is found in yarrow. It is also rich in vitamins A and C, manganese and nickel.
Yellow dock has been used for hundreds of years for its astringent properties, treating a variety of skin problems, including boils, rashes, blemishes and burns. Yellow dock is valued even more so today as one of the best available sources of iron. Yellow dock's high iron content makes it beneficial for treating anemia and pregnant women. Yellow Dock also contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and phosphorous. Yellow dock is used to purify the blood supplied to the glands improving the flow of bile and digestive fluids. Yellow dock has been known to help improve bladder and liver functions, reduce bowel inflammation and glandular swelling. Yellow dock is also used to treat some cases of jaundice and skin eruptions associated with the toxicity of the intestines. One other use for yellow dock is as a laxative to help relieve mild constipation.