Definitions for "Licorice root"
used for catarrhal conditions of the upper respiratory tract and gastric/duodenal ulcers. Licorce is an ingredient in cough drops and syrups, tonics, laxatives, and antismoking preparations.
Licorice is a time honored natural treatment for arthritis because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates the production of two of the body's self-made steroids: aldosterone and cortisone, which help reduce inflammation. Many herbalists use it as a natural tonic for respiratory problems, peptic ulcers, bladder and kidney ailments. It has also been beneficial in nourishing the body and stimulating the adrenal glands and pancreas. Some women also use licorice root as a natural source of the female hormone estrogen. It boosts liver enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing chemicals. When licorice root is taken in small amounts in its natural state, it has incredible healing properties! Extra care should be taken when a product says it has licorice extract, the amount of glyzzerhic acid in such a product is usually higher than natural licorice. Care should be taken with any product that has been refined. Licorice Root is rich in: Twenty-nine phytonutrients, glycyrrhetinic and glycyrrhisoflavone, which have been shown to have strong anti-cancer properties.
Is an herb prepared from the underground stems and roots of an Asian and European perennial of the pea family. Licorice is reported to help promote peptic function and expertorant function in the respiratory system. The herb has a variety of uses, especially in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is one of the most widely used herbs in various formulas. Excessive consumption can cause hypertension and should be avioded unless otherwise directed by a medical practioner.
As A Treatment"...It possesses antidepressant effects, and heals mucous membranes of the digestive tract..."