Definitions for "Vir"
Keywords:  censentur, uxor, lege, una, persona
Latin: man or husband. Refers to "Vir et uxor censentur in lege una persona", an old legal principle meaning that man and wife are considered to be one person in law. This principle has been abandoned in many countries.
Latin: man or husband. Vir et uxor censentur in lege una persona is an old (and long abandoned in most countries) legal principle meaning that man and wife are considered to be one person in law.
Keywords:  raceway, international
Virginia International Raceway
Keywords:  plasmid, segment, dna, genes, prepare
genes  A set of genes on a Ti plasmid that prepare the T-DNA segment for transfer into a plant cell.
Signals inserted in the lines of the vertical blanking interval, as defined by a TV Standard. For use in TV receivers for automatic correction of transmission chain distortions.
Visual Information Retrieval
Keywords:  inspection, vehicle, report
Vehicle Inspection Report
Keywords:  university
University of Virginia