Definitions for "Unsharp Masking"
An important function that allows the user to add apparent clarity via electronic means. Unsharp masking is considered the most sophisticated sharpening method because it sharpens without the undesirable graininess that appears with other sharpening methods.
A filter used to reduce noise while retaining most of the high frequency detail in an image. Unsharp masking is accomplished by subtracting a low-pass filtered version of an image from the original image.
A technique used to make scanned images sharper. The process of scanning an image can make the image appear soft; high-end DRUM SCANNERS perform unsharp masking automatically to create a sharper, crisper image. FLATBED SCANNERS usually do not perform unsharp masking. Image editing applications such as Adobe Photoshop can be used to unsharp mask an image. (The name "Unsharp Masking" comes from the pre-computer photographic process used to sharpen a blurry negative.)