Definitions for "UBC"
Keywords:  ucsd, self, benefits, store
UCSD Benefits
UCSD Self-Store
Keywords:  unified, advfs, buffer, cache, metadata
Unified Buffer Cache. The dynamically allocated system buffer cache that holds file data and AdvFS metadata.
See Unified Buffer Cache.
Used beverage containers.
used beverage can
used (aluminum) beverage cans.
United Broadcasting Company. The United Broadcasting Company was the second-largest media conglomerate in the world. Its chief competitor was the Metropolis-based Galaxy Broadcasting. The CEO of UBC was a man named Sam Tanner ( Silver-Age).
Usable Battery Capacity. 80% of the battery's nameplate capacity.
The minimum standards set for construction. to top
The basic building code in which minimum standards are set for building construction (see also BOCA).
Keywords:  columbia, british, university
University of British Columbia
Keywords:  uniform, building, committee, code
Uniform Building Committee
Uniform Building Code