Definitions for "Tian"
large shallow earthenware dish; gratin of vegetables cooked in such a dish
An earthenware gratin dish; also vegetable gratins baked in such a dish; from Provence.
a type of earthenware gratin dish which also gives its name to the food cooked in it
Keywords:  heaven, mohism, zhou, chinese, taoism
Heaven; an abstract conception in early Chinese religion; possibly the combined spirits of all male ancestors; first appeared during Zhou dynasty. (p. 69)
Tian (天 Pinyin Tiān) is the Chinese character for heaven or sky. As such, it holds an important place in many Chinese belief systems such as Mohism, Taoism and Confucianism. The ideograph itself suggests the expanse of sky above the earth on which humans dwell, thereby giving rise to the term "Tianxia" (天下 All under heaven); the phrase is often used to describe the earthly domicile in Chinese literature.
Keywords:  tyen, field
(tyen) "Field."