Definitions for "Tav"
twenty-second and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
(täv), Hebr. The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
In his work on set theory, Georg Cantor denoted the collection of all cardinal numbers by the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, ת}} (transliterated as Taf, Tav, or Taw.) As Cantor realized, this collection could not itself have a cardinality, as this would lead to a paradox of the Burali-Forti type. Cantor instead said that it was an "inconsistent" collection which was absolutely infinite.Gesammelte Abhandlungen[3], Georg Cantor, ed.
Keywords:  raban, okonnor, cowardly, kalkar, mma
Name of the cowardly Kalkar warrior in the service of the giant Raban. He, along with Okonnor, capture the Red Hawk for Raban (q.v.). [MMa
Keywords:  velocidad, tren, alta
Tren de Alta Velocidad
Keywords:  rfid, sue, passive, eventual, disposal
A supply chain initiative by the U.S. Department of Defense to identify all assets from initial shipment through eventual disposal. Much of the TAV program is based on the sue of both active and passive RFID technology.
Taxable Assessed Valuation
Taxable Assessed Values
Tax Assessed Value
Keywords:  actuated, vacuum, temperature
Temperature Actuated Vacuum
Keywords:  visibility, total, asset
total asset visibility