Definitions for "Surveys"
A widely-used technique for collecting data from a sample drawn from a given population. Surveys are often based on probability sampling, and survey information is usually obtained through structured interviews or self-administered questionnaires. Cross-sectional surveys involve measurements made at a single point in time. Panel surveys involve measurements acquired at two or more points in time. See also data collection, population, probability sampling, sample.
Questionnaire that collects information requested by customer/client
A survey, also called questionnaires, is a method of primary data collection based on communication with a representative sample of individuals. Surveys are usually descriptive in nature, yet can also be used to provide casual explanations or explore ideas. A survey can be conducted using different information-gathering techniques such as mail-out questionnaires, in-person interviews and telephone surveys. There is also an increasing use of technology-driven fax, email and Internet-based surveys. (Level 2 activity)
a research technique for needs analysis in which a select group of people is asked to respond to a series of questions, usually ones that can be scored. The responses are recorded and analyzed.
are commonly used with open-ended and closed-ended questions. Closed ended questions require respondents to answer the question from a provided list of responses. Typically, the list is a progressive scale ranging from low to high, or strongly agree to strongly disagree.
A method of questioning customers, sales personnel or experts regarding their expectations about future purchases. p. 705
Web Services can design and program custom surveys for your web site.  Web Services can program additional web applications to help manage and categorize the gathered information.
The Survey module provides a number of verified survey instruments that have been found useful in assessing and stimulating learning in online environments. Teachers can use these to gather data from their students that will help them learn about their class and reflect on their own teaching.
A method for gathering both qualitative and quantitative data from individuals CSSP Guide 6 p 76Source web site
Handout a mini-survey at the beginning of a presentation that asks for opinions and knowledge concerning the subject material. A facilitator can use the survey results to make a point, illustrate concepts, and incorporate in the presentation.
A survey is a mapping of land boundaries, improvements and easements on real property. A lender will frequently require a survey of property, especially commercial or unplatted property, and will require the parties to address any irregularities that show up on the survey.
Although not highly interactive, surveys do encourage Netizens to make an investment in your website, product or service because of time they put into filling it out.
A type of research design in which characteristics of the cases under study are systematically recorded without the researcher attempt­ing to actively change the situation. A non­experimental type of study.
A detailed report listing the particulars and state of the property. This is done by a qualified surveyor.