Definitions for "Sala"
Keywords:  pavillion, pavilion, temple, wat, thai
an open-sided pavilion
an open-sided pavillion
a pavillion structure, open on all sites, where people can also take a break during temple visits
a traditional roadside resting place where weary travellers can shelter and be refreshed before continuing their journey
Or Salavana, the grove of sat (teak) trees near Kusinagara, the place of the Buddha's death.
Formal reception room; an area in the mission used to receive guests and visitors.
The principal room in the more pretentious Philippine houses.
Keywords:  alfresco, dining, outdoor, area
The outdoor dining or ‘alfresco' area.
Keywords:  hind, brother, wife, abuse, term
Hind.] [wife's brother (used as a term of abuse)].
Cinda at end of 19th century involved in dealings with Germans
Keywords:  prayer