Definitions for "RBF"
Keywords:  neural, tfl, perceptrons, bayesian, mlp
Radiometric Base Function (used in Neural Networks)
radial basis function. the preferred TFL method of forecasting data. Pioneered by TFL principals in their application to neural computing, RBFs are a specialized neural computing technique. Contrary to multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) they are particularly well suited to forecasting relatively stable times series such as property indices. Outperforms MLP in speed and stability when used with Bayesian Analysis.
Keywords:  retiredboxers, srd, sig, href, boxers
Region li a href http uk srd yahoo com S D CS SS SIG d k http A www retiredboxers com Retired Boxers Foundation
Retirement Benefits Fund
Keywords:  buckminster, richard, fuller
Richard Buckminster Fuller
Keywords:  reconnaissance, fire
reconnaissance by fire
Keywords:  buffings, rubber
Rubber buffings.