Definitions for "OPRA"
Options Prices Reporting Authority. A subscription service that disseminates inside quotations and last sale data for options.
Occupational Pension Regulatory Authority PAYE Pay As You Earn
Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority. OPRA monitors occupational and stakeholder pension schemes. It has a wide range of powers including regulating the way schemes are run and responsibilities and appointment of trustees. Under the 1995 Pensions Act, scheme advisors such as actuaries and accountants have a responsibility to contact OPRA if they are aware of any actions by the employer or trustees which may be in breach of regulations. Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority - Invicta House, Trafalgar Place, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 4BY. Tel: 01273 627 600. Website:
Overseas Postgraduate Research Award Pressure
Keywords:  pollution, ocean, reduction, act
Ocean Pollution Reduction Act
Keywords:  audit, review, office, program
Office of Program Review and Audit