Definitions for "new baby"
Keywords:  mom, fusses, dad, enormous, instantly
a lot like that, in the beginning it is hard to get to know one another, but if the mom takes the time to really connect she will be able to almost instantly know what is going on when the baby fusses
an enormous challenge to the mom, the dad--and the marriage
a celebration for the whole family
a celebration of life
a cherished addition to any family and a celebrated event, but also a busy and stressful time for the new parents
Keywords:  wonderful, blessing
a wonderful blessing
a glorious experience in any mothers life, but it can also be unusually stressful
an extremely special gift and, on top of the physical investment that a mother puts in, there will be a lot of emotional investment as well
a special gift from God
Keywords:  grama, battling, big, strain, healthy
a big strain on even a very healthy woman, let alone one who is battling problems
a big thing to get used to, even at Grama's house
Keywords:  distraction, good
a good distraction too
an exciting event, but it can also be a little overwhelming
Keywords:  novelty, spell, lasts, short
a novelty but that only lasts a short spell
Keywords:  delicate, matter
a more delicate matter
Keywords:  infinite, possibilities, well
a well of infinite possibilities
Keywords:  job, full, time
a full-time job