Definitions for "Lagan"
goods (or wreckage) on the sea bed that is attached to a buoy so that it can be recovered
Goods cast overboard from a ship which afterwards perishes, buoyed so as to render them recoverable
Cargo or equipment to which an identifying marker or buoy is fastened and thrown overboard in time of danger to lighten a ship's load. Under maritime law, if the goods are later found they must be returned to the owner whose marker is attached. The owner must make a salvage payment.
Keywords:  wedding, ritual, indian, actual
The actual wedding ritual
The Indian wedding ritual
Lagan is the second music album released by Pakistani pop singer, Haroon. It was a major hit and showed the artist ability that Haroon had. In the album he blended in various types of music including arabic, instrumental, rock and pop.
Keywords:  ligan, see
See Ligan.