Definitions for "Kayfabe"
Keywords:  wrestler, wrestling, talk, carny, feib
No one really knows where this word came from or what the hell it really means. If you're keeping the inside workings of the business a secret, you're keeping kayfabe. If you tell everyone that it's worked, you're breaking kayfabe. If you're a wrestler and you're talking about the business, you say "kayfabe" if a fan comes up in order to warn the other wrestler to stop talking about it. One time some friends and I were practicing outside in a ring in front of nobody else and a dog walked by. Mike Blinn screamed: "There's a dog! Kayfabe, kayfabe!"
Of or related to inside information about the business, especially by fans. Origin is carny jargon talk for fake.
Of or related to inside information about the business. To break kayfabe is to break out of your character. It is also used by wrestlers to kayfabe each other, which means to keep quiet on certain things with other people and to not let them know.
Generally referring to the protecting of industry secrets.