Definitions for "Kaaba"
Keywords:  mecca, shrine, mosque, abraham, sacred
The small and nearly cubical stone building, in the court of the Great Mosque at Mecca, toward which all Mohammedans must pray. It contains a sacred black stone, believed by Mohammedans to be one of the precious stones of paradise, and to have been brought to Abraham when he was contructing the Kaaba, by the Angel Gabriel. The Kaaba itself predates Mohammed, having been a pantheon which contained Arab idols, which were destroyed by Mohammed.
Islam's holiest shrine, a sacred sanctuary for all Muslims. The Kaaba is a small building in the Holy Mosque of Makkah, nearly cubic in shape, built to enclose the Black Stone, which is the most venerated Muslim object.
The cube shaped, sacred shrine of Islam at Mecca
Keywords:  kaahumanu, kaafiyaa
Kaafiyaa Kaahumanu
Keywords:  maize