Definitions for "Judy "
Single engine Yokosuka dive-bomber
"Judy" is a limited edition 7" single by The Pipettes of which 1000 copies were pressed by Boston's Total Gaylord Records in August 2005. It was exclusively available via mailorder from the United States and featured a sleeve which supposedly folded out into a polka dot dress in homage to the singers' dress code. Unfortunately, the dress was only suitable for the thinnest of Pipettes fans.
"Judy" is the most recent single from The Pipettes and was released on September 25, 2006. It is available on CD, double 7" vinyl, and digital download from Memphis Industries.
Keywords:  aircrew, intercept, zum, radar, weapons
Aircrew is taking over the intercept.
Aircrew has radar/visual contact on the correct target, has taken control of the intercept and only requires situation awareness information; weapons director (WD) will minimize radio transmissions. zum Men
Keywords:  shanghai, tanzania, navy, royal, dog
Judy (born Shanghai 1936, died Tanzania 1950) was a ship's dog on a Royal Navy vessel before and during World War II.
a leading specialist in public-private sector partnerships and relationship management, and a Partner of Consulting Matrix
Keywords:  null, bytes, thought, array, fully
The Judy library provides fully dynamic arrays. These arrays may be indexed by a 32- or 64- bit word size, a null terminated string, or an array-of-bytes plus length. A dynamic array can also be thought of as a mapping function or associative memory.