Definitions for "Hylaform"
a clear, colorless gel synthesized from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in the human body. Hylaform® injections are used to fill in wrinkles for smoother and younger looking skin.
Hylaform / Perlane / Restylane These temporary injectables all contain a stabilized hyaluronic acid, which is a natural compound found in all connective tissues and dissolves naturally over time. Its primary function is to stabilize cellular structures and form a fluid medium in which collagen becomes embedded. These methods are an ideal choice for people who don't want a permanent correction. These non-allergenic fillers are great for temporarily filling facial wrinkles, fine lines and augmenting lips.
A soft tissue filler manufactured by the Inamed corporation composed mainly of Hyaluronic acid and very similar to Restalyne in its actions and properties.