Definitions for "Femme fatale"
an attractive woman who leads men into difficult or doomed situations. The phrase means "fatal woman" in French.
A French phrase with the literal translation "fatal woman." A femme fatale is a sensuous, alluring woman who often leads men into danger or trouble. A classic example of the femme fatale is the nameless character in Billy Wilder's The Seven Year Itch, portrayed by Marilyn Monroe in the film adaptation.
Femme Fatale is a 2002 film directed by Brian De Palma. The film stars Rebecca Romijn as the femme fatale and Antonio Banderas.
Keywords:  fehm, tahl, seductive, fah, notorious
(fehm fah- TAHL) French: an attractive, but often dangerous woman. The notorious example is of course, Eve, in the Bible.
a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
a stock character, a villainous woman who uses the malign power of sexuality
Literally: "Deadly Lady"; a slang term used to describe a character in a movie.